
Foreign and Military Affairs

Envoy: Use of force not solution to Syrian crisis

Updated: 2011-04-29 19:53


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GENEVA - The use or threat of force should be ruled out in dealing with the Syrian crisis, Chinese Ambassador He Yafei said at a special session of UN Human Rights Council on Syria Friday.

The use or threat of force "cannot not bring a solution to the problem and will only cause a greater humanitarian crisis," He said.

Addressing the Human Rights Council, he said China welcomed the moves taken by the Syrian government, such as the lifting of the state of emergency and the beginning of political reforms, as well as a call for national dialogue and decision to investigate all the recent events.

The Chinese envoy also expressed his concern over the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa. The unrest, he said, has not only affected those countries' stability and disrupted their economic and social development as well as people's normal life, but also undermined the regional security.


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