
From Chinese Media

Micro blog helps capture three scalpers

Updated: 2011-01-25 13:55

By Quan Li (

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Police captured three ticket scalpers after a tip-off from an online whistleblower, the China Youth Daily reported Tuesday.

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The suspects, surnamed Sun, Ye and Fu were reported to the police by a citizen in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province through an official new micro blog. The blog, launched by the Hangzhou Railway Public Security Division on Dec 18, provided a platform for the public to report information on ticket scalpers.

"Most of the people visiting out blog are common Internet users", said Cheng Fei, a policeman at the Wenzhou railway station. They offer us proposals and warm encouragement, he said.

Cui Jie, an official at the Hangzhou Railway Public Security Division said they hope the micro blog can facilitate communication between the police and civilians, especially during the Spring Festival travel rush.


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