
From Chinese Media

Beijing's pension system to cover foreigners

Updated: 2011-01-13 16:15

By Zhao Tingting (

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Foreigners working in Beijing will be covered by the municipal's pension system, Beijing Business Today reported Thursday, citing the 2011 working plan of the Beijing Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security.

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According to 2011 plans by the Beijing Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, current pension policies allow foreigners to enjoy the same pension level as local retirees if they pay premiums monthly -- which could be as much as 8 percent of their income bases.

Generally speaking, the income base is the previous year's average monthly salary. When foreigners earn less than the capital city's average salary level, their income base will be 60 percent of the capital city's average salary level. If they earn much more than Beijing's average, their income base will be limited to less than three times the capital city's average salary level.


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