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No room in the pool

( Updated: 2015-07-12 15:24

No room in the pool

A drone carrying a ring hovers in front of the east door of Tsinghua University on Friday. [Photo from Weibo]

Drone-style proposal encounters cold shoulder

A college student, perhaps inspired to by popular Chinese singer Wang Feng's geek-style proposal by drone to actress Zhang Ziyi, planned to propose to his love using the same approach. Wang's proposal spread like wildfire among Internet users on weibo.

The student at the Chinese Academy of Sciences went to Tsinghua University planning propose, using a remote controlled drone carrying the ring, just like Wang.

At the east front gate of Tsinghua University, his romantic gesture was killed by a university guard who claimed flying drones are banned around the university and stopped the student.

The student believed there was nothing wrong with controlling a drone to propose and soon started fighting with the guard. The drone was broken during the argument.

According to an aviation expert, China doesn't yet have specific regulations about controlling drones, especially in uncontrolled airspace, but people might need to take suggestions from university guards when they are around campus.

Next up: Saturday work days through September for Yan’an government employees.

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