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Quilts of love

( Updated: 2015-04-27 11:19

Quilts of love

Xie Xu has been carrying his friend on his back for three years so he wouldn't miss a single class. Xie is 173cm tall and 75 kilograms in weight, and his disabled friend is 45 kilograms in weight. [Photo/IC]

The most beautiful student in China

A teenager has been hailed "the most beautiful student in China" after carrying his disabled friend to school every day for three years, so that the pair never missed a single class.

The story of 18-year-old Xie Xu, who volunteered to look after his 19-year-old classmate Zhang Chi, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, has been shared widely on Chinese social media and received widespread local media coverage.

CCTV reported that while living at a boarding school in Xuzhou, Xie helped his friend in his daily routines, such as washing himself and putting on clothes, and carried him to the canteen and bathroom. The two are the top students in their class.

Xie has applied to join the Nanjing Polytechnic Institute after he graduates from high school, and had an interview on 23 April. In a month's time, Zhang will sit for China's intensive college entrance exam, the gaokao, and the friends will go their separate ways.

That's all for today's trending, do check back tomorrow for more China news!

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