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Peonies made of pancakes

( Updated: 2015-04-20 11:39

Peonies made of pancakes

A photo of the Feiyunjiang River Bridge that the woman fell off from, Dec 29, 2011. [Photo/CFP]

Selfie-taker nearly drowns falling off bridge

Bridges are popular spots for taking selfies, but one must be careful when taking them. A woman was taking a selfie on a bridge over a river, when she fell off into the water and survived despite not knowing how to swim.

The incident happened to the 21-year-old in Ri'an city, Zhejiang province on Thursday night. She said she was sitting on the handrails of the bridge trying to take a better selfie, and fell off accidentally. She thought she would drown because she does not know how to swim, but somehow she floated for 1.5 kilometers and travelled along the rising tides.

A fisherman who helped save her said it's quite lucky for one to survive in the rising tide and attributed her survival to the fact that she didn't struggle desperately in the water, managing to float to safety.

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