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Trending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

( Updated: 2014-09-13 13:28

Quadruplets living in the same dorm, iPhone preorders collapse Apple HK’s website, Students upset over eating bugs and toads, and a 96-year-old woman shares her longevity secrets.

Quadruplets allocated to the same college dorm

Trending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

Quadruplets from Heze city, Shandong province have all been successfully enrolled into the dance department of Shandong University of Arts and have been assigned to the same dorm, reported on Saturday.

The 16-year-old quadruplets Shen Bing, Shen Qing, Shen Yu and Shen Jie first drew public attention at the national art test earlier this year. Their parents asked them to wear different outfits on registration day to help differentiate themselves.

Related: Quadruplets a sensation in school

Trending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

iPhone preorders collapse Apple’s HK website on first day

Apple’s iPhone’s official Hong Kong website broke down on its first day of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus preorders on Sept 12, 2014, Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

The website appeared unresponsive after SMD’s reporter submitted an order for the phone. Many people have shared their similar experience on social media. The phones were sold out soon after the online booking began.

Related: iPhone 6 bound for USTrending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

Toad and bugs found in school’s dining hall food

A boiled toad was found in the food of Fuyang Huanggang Shiyan High School’s dining hall on Sept 6, 2014. Anhui News reported.

Trending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

Students from 16 classes of Fuyang Ten High School were transferred to Fuyang Huanggang Shiyan High School due to reconstruction work on their old school. While attending Fuyang Huanggang Shiyan High School, the students found more than just food in their meals.

“We found hair, rubber band and worms in our food and last week I found a toad in my breakfast, it is so disgusting,” said A Liang (pseudonym). A Liang’s classmate Xiao Wei (pseudonym) said he also found a cricket in the plate.

Related: Positive policy for food security

Trending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

96-year-old woman plays mahjong

Trending:Quadruplets allocated to the same dorm in college

Recently in Dazhou city, Sichuan province, an old woman started to receive public attention, the reason is because the 96-year-old is still out and about playing Mahjong, reported on Sept 12, 2014. reports that the woman had lived a storied life. She had once worked as a servant girl and a babysitter. Ten years ago, she fell and suffered from multiple fractures but the girl she once babysat took care of her during her recovery. When asked about the secret of her longevity, she said that if there is anything special, it’s that she consumes vegetables and alcohol everyday.


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