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Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

( Updated: 2014-07-13 11:55

Woman with one leg displays courage

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Photo of a woman walking at Beijing International Airport in 20 cm heel with her right leg amputated has gone viral, according to China Metropolis Daily.

Zhang Yang, 26, a Qiang ethnic group woman from Aba county, Aba Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Southwest China’s Sichuan province, has become an online sensation after an Internet user posted the image on July 8.

Users called Zhang, whose leg was amputated when she was three, 'Orient Venus' as her decision to wear high heel can give people courage and strength.

Zhang, who is a singer in Sichuan disabled art troupe, was invited to take part in 'The Voice of China', a popular singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV.


Focus on life of the disabled

Armless but not defeated

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

10,000 gather to hear news of 'rapist' arrest

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

More than 10,000 spectators gathered to hear the announcement of the arrest of a suspected rapist in Hengshang county, Northwest China's Shaanxi province on July 10, the Shaanxi-based reported.

The crowd gathered after local police held a conference in front of the county government building to announce that they had solved a serial rape case after the arrest of a suspect, Ai, a retired special force policeman.

Ai allegedly assaulted women, whose age ranges from 19 to 32, at night. He has been sent to jail.


Do the rapists deserve leniency?

Chinese paedophile rapist gets eight years

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Official dies in 'Fast and Furious' escape

A high-ranking official was crushed under a semitrailer when he jumped from a taxi to allegedly escape authorities on Qingdao-Yinchuan highway in North China's Hebei province, Shaanxi-based Yulin Evening News reported.

Man surnamed Cui, 55, former director of Industry and Information Bureau in Hanshan district, Handan city of Hebei province, was sacked from his post and investigated for reportedly embezzling money and taking bribes worth 40 million yuan ($22.4 million).

Cui, who was wanted by local police bureau, was carrying 20,000 yuan in cash, 47 credit cards, four laptops, three ID cards with different names at the time of accident.


E China official investigated under bribery suspicion

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

PM2.5 average shows year-on-year decline

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Beijing's average PM2.5 index of 91.6 micrograms per cubic meter in first half of 2014 represents an 11.2 percent year-on-year decrease, according to a city report. The level of PM2.5, airborne particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter that contribute to Beijing's notorious smog, is still far above the national standard of 35 micrograms per cubic meter, the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau report said.


Capital hastens effort to cut PM2.5 pollution

Beijing promises to meet air quality standard by 2022

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Religious rites used for taking bribes

Some government officials in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region were found to have accepted bribes during religious rituals, according to the country's top anti-graft watchdog. The problem of illegal gifts to officials remains rampant, according to a statement released on Thursday by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.


Corruption fight hottest issue in June: survey

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Fake IDs nullified

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Police nationwide have in the first half of the year found 271,000 fake or duplicate ID records, all of which have been nullified, the Ministry of Public Security said on Saturday. A total of 149 cases of counterfeiting and selling fake ID cards or household registration documents, known as hukou, have been solved. And 46 members of the police system have been punished for involvement, the ministry said in a statement. Cases of officials and Party members owning two or more IDs or hukou should be reported to local CPC disciplinary and organization authorities, it said. Hukou are linked to citizens' ID cards and records. Last year, China identified and nullified 790,000 fake IDs.


China nullifies 270,000 fake IDs

Trending: One-leg lady goes viral

Hong Kong government invests in Disney Land

The Finance Committee of Hong Kong's Legislative Council on Friday approved a Hong Kong government request to increase its share in Hong Kong Disneyland. A total of HK$1.7 billion ($219 million) will be used to build a new hotel at the park on Lantau. Thirty-nine lawmakers supported the proposal, while eight voted against it. The funding request is the first of 44 items on the agenda of the Finance Committee, which faces a backlog because of filibusters.


Disney's new heights


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