China / Trending across China

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

( Updated: 2014-05-04 14:25

A primary school in Beijing enrolls students whose parents do not have a local hukou, Chinese tourists shun Malaysia during the May Day holiday, and a student dies following corporal punishment for not completing his homework.

Primary School starts enrollment without hukou

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

Many parents converged on Yucai Primary School in Beijing after it started enrolling children from across the country on May 2 – without any restrictions related to their parents' hukou - or household registration, reported. The school is thus offering the children of migrants a chance to receive a good education.


Illegitimate children penalized for hukou lack

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

Chinese tourists shun Malaysia

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

The disappearance of flight MH370 led to a dramatic decline in the number of Chinese tourists heading to Malaysia during the May Day holiday compared to previous years, China News Service reported.

Some travel agencies changed the "Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand" travel itinerary – which is usually popular with Chinese nationals – and offered tourists a "Singapore-Vietnam-Thailand" route.


Tourists shun Malaysia during May Day break

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

Trial subway train derails in Beijing

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

A subway train of Beijing's Line 4 derailed on May 3, but there were no casualties.

The subway company said it was conducting a trial run and has now removed the two carriages which derailed, Legal Evening News reported.

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

Pigs killed in road accident

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

A lorry loaded with pigs collided with another vehicle on the Shenyang-Haikou expressway on May 2, causing all the 22 animals to panic and jump onto the road. Another vehicle hit the pigs, killing 12 of them, reported.

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

University displays ancient books bought for 100 million yuan

More than 20,000 ancient books bought from Japan last year went on display at Peking University on May 3. The university spent more than 100 million yuan ($16 million) on the purchase, which includes mainly Chinese books - in addition to 2,000 Japanese volumes and a few from Korea, the Beijing News reported.

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

Thousands of twins attend festival in SW China

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

More than 1,000 pairs of twins from home and abroad attended a festival in Mojiang Hani autonomous county, Southwest China's Yunnan province, from May 1 to 2, China News Service reported. As part of the festivities, they smeared black soot over their bodies to ward off any evil spirits.

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

Student dies after corporal punishment

A student, surnamed Li, died after falling from a building in a primary school, in Fuyang, East China's Anhui province, April 30, Xinhua reported.

Li fell from the 6th floor after a school teacher, surnamed Zou, used corporal punishment as Li had not completed his homework. The police detained the teacher.

Trending across China on May 4, 2014

China approves stricter dairy import rules

A new regulation passed on Thursday by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine means that only importers registered with the Chinese authorities will be able to sell dairy products in the country.

Overseas producers must follow Chinese rules and sanitation standards and are required to obtain permission from the authorities to sell dairy products.



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