China / Trending across China

Trending across China

( Updated: 2014-04-28 13:06

A runner overcomes attacks to place second in a marathon, a 17 million yuan dragon-shaped yacht will be launched and a BMW that went in for repairs is burned to a crisp in a fire.

Trending across China

Beaten runner wins second place

A contestant in a 10km race in Xi'an was hit by other competitors twice during the race but still managed to win second place, Shaanxi-based Chinese Business View reported Monday.

Zhang Baoqiang, 23, encountered the first attack at the 800 meters position, when a man pushed him out of the running teams, pressed him down on the ground and kicked him.

With the help of several security guards, Zhang escaped and came back to the race, but in the second 5km ring, the same violent man appeared again, hitting Zhang with his fist and tearing down Zhang's number.

The organizing committee gave Zhang the first place prize money, 10,000 yuan ($1,600) and 1,000 yuan for medical compensation.

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Repair shop burns, not fixes, car

A car owner in Xi'an is waiting for reasonable compensation after his BMW vehicle burned to the frame at a vehicle repair shop where the car was undergoing maintenance, Shaanxi-based Chinese Business View reported Monday.

The owner identified by his surname Jia said the damage to his car and his belongs in the car, which were also were burned, left him with about 1.5 million yuan in monetary losses.

Workers at the repair shop, dubbed Zhong Xin Zhi Bao, said they will report the accident to police on Monday and do an evaluation to the car before any negotiations about compensation.

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Petitioner's fake ID lawfully canceled

Reports that a Henan villager's residency registration was cancelled after exposing a police inspector's wrongdoing proved to be premature, according to on Sunday.

In September 2012, Xiao Jianpeng, from Luyi county in Zhoukou city, was investigated by Wang Feng,an official from the county's public security bureau, over a fighting dispute.

Xiao, unsatisfied with the result of case, started petitioning the county's government departments against the Wang. However, in processing his case, police officials found Xiao illegally owned a fake identity card and residency registration, and he used this fake identification to purchase properties.

The public security bureau thus removed the illegal residency registration he possessed, but it admitted it is not appropriate to cancel it without noting the reason.

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Trending across China

Urinating man unearths artifact

A man from Pixian county in Sichuan province unearthed a small ceramic tomb figure from the Song Dynasty (960-1279) when he was urinating on mounds, Chengdu Business Daily reported on Sunday.

The man, whose name was given as Xu, was driving home on Thursday afternoon when he stopped to urinate near the former site of a hospital.

His urine washed away the dirt that was covering part of the figure, which lay near the surface.

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Trending across China

3-D printers print 10 houses in 1 day

A private company used a giant printer set to print out 10 full-sized houses in one day. The stand-alone one-story houses in the Shanghai Hi-Tech Industrial Park look like ordinary buildings.

They were created using a smart printing array in Suzhou. The array consists of four printers that are 10 meters wide and 6.6 meters high and use multidirectional automated sprays.

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118 convicted in pyramid scheme

One hundred eighteen people were convicted in a pyramid sales scheme and got sentences ranging from 19 months to 10 years on Sunday. The gang, which focused on "capital operations", illegally raised money from more than 1,900 people in five provinces. Members of the gang also got fines from 200,000 yuan ($32,000) to 2 million. The court in Nanjing had to deploy more than 200 police officers to maintain order in the trial, and almost 100 lawyers were employed to represent members of the gang.

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Man jailed for illegally possessing weapons

A 56-year-old man in Beijing was sentenced to six months in jail for illegally possessing weapons after he fired several shots into the air to quiet his neighbors, who were square dancing outside, Beijing Times reported on Sunday. The man, surnamed Shi, said he couldn't sleep because the music was too loud. A man surnamed Guo, who organized the dance, said Shi also sent out his three Tibetan mastiffs to threaten them.

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Trending across China

Luxury yacht debuts

The Yujinlong luxury yacht, created by a ship-builder in Jiangmen city of Guangdong province and worth 17 million yuan ($2,716,198), sets off on its maiden voyage in Guangzhou city on Saturday. All taps on the dragon-shaped yacht, which measures 23.2 meters long and 6.10 meters wide, are made of the finest gold.

China's yacht industry is expected to see 30 percent annual growth, with its market value projected to reach 15 billion yuan in the next five years, predicts Fortune Character Institute.



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