China / Trending across China

Trending across China

( Updated: 2014-03-13 09:37

A Hong Kong dishwashing job pays HK$16,000 a month! An IV drip doesn't stop one teacher and dead man found on Beijing's Financial Street may have been a suicide.

Coveted Hong Kong job

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Reports that a dishing washing job in Hong Kong pays HK$16,000 a month spurred reflections online in the Chinese mainland about the income gap between the two places. The job vacancy is just the tip of the iceberg of how short-handed Hong Kong is in labor-intensive industries. Many Internet users said they would rather ditch their own office job to wash dishes in Hong Kong, Beijing News reported.


Reports analyze dish-washing habits in China

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Hard-working teacher

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A primary school teacher who gave lessons while having an intravenous drip was praised for her responsibility by internet users on Wednesday.

Ding Ling, who teaches in a primary school in Shuanggang Town, Xiangshui County of Jiangsu province, had a sore throat recently and was advised to have a drip to cure the disease. In order not to affect her students' classes, she asked the doctor to arrange to have the drip in the class.

The doctor later posted Ding's pictures online, drawing many compliments from Internet users.


Stay-at-home kids paint portraits for teachers

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Possible suicide on Financial Street

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A man was found dead in an office building on Beijing's Financial Street Wednesday afternoon. The man, named Wang Yuan, was an employee of Galaxy Securities. Police found a suicide note at the scene and the case is still under further investigation. (


Pet dog saves woman from suicide attempt



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Dropping objects draw three-year sentence

A man in Chengdu, surnamed Tan, was sentenced on Tuesday to three years in prison for throwing things from a high building, Chengdu Commercial Daily reported on Wednesday. Tan, 48, threw things such as pots and stones from his apartment on the seventh floor of the building on the night of July 19, damaging four cars. Tan claimed he lost control that night.


Top court to clarify law on domestic violence

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Pedestrians wounded by air-rifle pellets

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Seven pedestrians in Shunqing district of Nanchong were injured by pellets from an air rifle, West China Metropolis Daily reported. A woman and her daughter were shot first around 2 pm. Then five others were shot. The victims ranged in age from 15 to 51. Many of them were women and most sustained wounds to their arms or legs. Police are investigating the case.


9 killed when bus, train collide

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Trees break fall of elderly woman

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A 94-year-old woman, Ye Shufang, suffered bruises to her head after falling on a hill in Zigong on Monday. Trees prevented a more lengthy fall on the steep slope, but it was four hours before Ye was rescued by firefighters. Her son told West China Metropolis Daily that his mother is in good condition.


Man saved after three days stuck on mountain

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People defend old rooted resident

Residents in Qipan village, Chengdu, appealed to save an ancient tree believed to be about 1,350 years old, Chengdu Economic Daily reported. The 21-meter-tall tree was among 10 said to be more than 1,000 years old in Chengdu. Its trunk was split by lightning last year, and it had no new sprouts this spring.


Govt urged to protect ancient weather stations

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Father suspected of killing child during row

Police in Wenzhou detained a father suspected of killing his son, Wenzhou Economic Daily reported on Wednesday. The father, surnamed Wang, allegedly threatened his wife with a cooking knife during a row on Monday. His wife said their 12-year-old son was trying to stop him before she fled and locked herself in a room. She said she later found the boy lying in a pool of blood.


Dispute over money may be motive in killings

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