China / Trending across China

Trending across China

( Updated: 2014-01-11 15:26

China pushes urbanization by prohibiting urbanities from buying rural land and building houses on it. Ticket-selling website is getting busy for the Spring Festival travel. And a woman is desperately proving herself the descendent of Monkey King.

Homebound trip

Trending across China, the official website of the China Railway Corporation, is expected to experience a dramatic surge in its number of visitors because passengers are able to buy tickets for the eve of Chinese new year, which falls on January 31 this year.

Related: 'Chunyun' train tickets up for sale

         258m Chinese take trains home during 'chunyun'

         Migrant workers can book trains early

Trending across China

Divergence on pension

Nearly 80 percent of respondents disapproved that pensions of civil servants are higher than ordinary workers, according to a survey among 1,008 people by the Beijing News. China introduced the "dual pension scheme" in early 1990s, under which civil servants receive a pension from the government in the form of a defined benefit, roughly three times higher than private sector employees.

Related: Proposed pension reform divides opinion

Trending across China

Counter-urbanization forbidden

China prohibits urbanites from buying rural land and building houses on it, Jiang Daming, minister of land and resources, said on Friday during a national land meeting. Jiang said the government won't allow counter-urbanization by urban residents seeking to buy rural land.

Related: 10-year plan for urbanization in SW China

Trending across China


Three prisoners who were detained on suspicion of killing three people were acquitted after spending eight years in jail in Haozhou, East China's Anhui province. The three suspects were sentenced to death three times by a local intermediate court, and all three sentences were remanded for retrial when reviewed by the provincial high court.

Related: Man sentenced to death for killing pupils

Trending across China

Fat bonus

A creative culture company in Shanghai has become an online hit for its fat and considerate year-end bonus lately. The company gives each employee 8,800 yuan ($1453.76) as a family reunion fund, an iPhone 5s and covers their round trip home as long as the expense is below 2,000 yuan.

Related: Year-end bonuses at SOEs to rise: Poll

Trending across China

Trending across China

Monkey King's descendant?

A woman claimed to be the descendant of Monkey King and posted photos of a stone and monkey hairs "handed down from her ancestors" on Sina Weibo account Mamadefeifei. According to her weibo posts, she has been to Fudan University to prove her identity through DNA tests. Monkey King is a main character in the 16th century Chinese novel Journey to the West authored by Wu Cheng'en. He is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India.

Related: Journey to where East meets West

Trending across China

Celebrity couple to get married soon

Trending across China

Chen Sichen, a famous mainland actor, said he will marry his girlfriend, Tong Liya, as soon as possible. He also added that they will give birth to a child in the Year of the Horse. According to reports, this couple's wedding will be held in Tahiti on Jan 16. Several hundred guests from the Chinese entertainment industry will participate in the ceremony.

Related: Tong Liya's ever-changing beauty look


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