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E China's wetland park further opens to tourists

Updated: 2014-09-19 07:19 (chinadaily.com.cn)

E China's wetland park further opens to tourists

A photo taken on Sept 18, 2014 shows a section of the second phase of the Tuying Ecology Wetland Cultural Park in Changxing county, East China's Zhengjiang province. Opening to tourists on Monday, the new sector includes five small ecological islands that are connected to two existed ones by bridges. Visitors will be able to tour around the seven islands on stone-paved pathways. Bordering Lake Taihu, the wetland covers an area of 3.3-square-kilometers and features a fishpond, river way, reeds, lotus pond and a bird watching area. It is a good place for sightseeing and to demonstrate ecological agriculture. [Photo/Xinhua]

E China's wetland park further opens to tourists

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