Chuishui Danxia [Photo/ic]
7. Chuishui (Guizhou)
The Chishui Danxia inherited from the synergy of the strong and intermittent Cenozoic uplifts of the Himalayan Orogeny and the heat-moisture matched Asian Monsoon, and it has not been damaged from the scouting process of the last glaciations.
Chishui Danxia demonstrates the richness of the Danxia landform diversity. Positive and negative Danxia landforms are not only of high value in explaining Danxia landform evolution, but also show high aesthetic significance.
The Chishui Danxia is big and has tall forests where ancient vegetation and modern vegetation stemming from many species co-exist, revealing an important and on-going process of biology and ecology. Chishui Danxia has a high-level of biodiversity and provides refuge and habitats for many rare and endangered species.
Best travel time: all year around