Five Characteristics of Guangxi Ethnic Culture
Cai (treading)
Cai (treading) means Cai Tang (dancing and singing), Cai Gao Qiao (walking on stilts), or Cai Huo Hai Dao Shan (fire walking and standing on the blade with naked feet).
Guangxi ethnic groups enjoy the Lu Sheng Dance, also called Lu Shang Cai Tang, which is a combination of dance and singing. It is the typical way of expressing one's friendliness through musical instruments, songs and dances.

Cai Gao Qiao of the Jing people reflects the close connection between Luo Yue culture and Han culture. Cai Gao Qiao La Wang indicates Zhuang peoples' special coastal culture – attaching the same importance to dance and singing – which is quite different from the other ethnic groups.
Cai Huo Hai Dao Shan is a rite of passage prevailed in Jinxiu county and Hezhou city. It is a test of courage for Yao male adults. This rite is called Du Jie by Yao people. Only the boys who pass the test can possess the rights of adults, such as finding a girlfriend, getting married and gaining trust from the public.
Cai Tang, Cai Gao Qiao and Cai Huo Hai Dao Shan are the fifth element which display Guangxi ethnic customs in a unique way.