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2013-03-20 09:22:32

Price satisfaction down

The Residents' Price Satisfaction Index dropped to 20% in the first quarter, down 2 percentage points from the previous quarter,

chinanews.com reported, citing a quarterly survey conducted by the People's Bank of China (the central bank) on 20,000 bank

depositors in 50 major cities. About 62.1% respondents said the current consumer prices are "too high to accept," up 3.6

percentage points from the 4th quarter last year. The future price expectations index posted 66.9%, down 3.3 percentage points

from the previous quarter and up 4.8 percentage points from the same period last year.





Some 68% respondents said that housing prices are "too high to accept," up 1.3 percentage points from the previous quarter.

About 34.4% of the residents polled said they believed home prices would continue rising in the 2nd quarter. The figure is 5.4

percentage points higher than the previous quarter and 16.7 percentage points higher than the same period last year. About

14.8% respondents said they plan to buy a house in the next 3 months.


34.4%,较上季提高5.4个百分点,高于去年同期16.7个百分点。未来3个月内准备出手购房的居民占比为 14.8%。


The index of the residents' income sentiment has risen for the 3rd straight quarter to 54.6%, up 2.8 percentage points from the

previous quarter. About 88.1% respondents said they believed the sum of their real income has "increased" or "nearly kept at the

same level."



