What they say

Updated: 2014-04-20 08:05

(China Daily)

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It is true that vehicles will help make the future better. The auto industry will see great changes as more and more Chinese buy their own cars. They will start to choose products that meet their individual demands. Some might want a seven-seat MPV and others who love speed will choose a racing car.

Wang Yin, publisher of Auto Bild China

Two of the Beijing auto show's most noticeable features are that it is one of the largest shows in terms of size and most of the latest models are exhibited. However, compared with overseas shows, the event in Beijing or Shanghai just highlights new models.

Wang Kun, editor-in-chief of Xcar.com.cn

In terms of the auto show in China, it is big, displays a large variety of new models and, more importantly, integrates vehicles and social topics with many celebrities at the show.

Su Yunong, editor-in-chief of auto.sina.com

Personally I expect to see the long-wheelbase version of the new Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Land Rover Discovery Vision concept as well as Porsche's Macan.

Lei Meng, editor-in-chief of CAR Magazine

Vehicles were a symbol of family wealth and they now reflect their owners' personality and character.

This trend was proved by the increasing number of new segments emerging in the Chinese auto market.

Sven Xu, publisher and editor-in-chief of RAMP China

I find that Asian shows are more colorful than those in other continents: you have models and celebrities in addition to vehicles.

Miao Jun, editorial director of Car And Driver

(China Daily 04/20/2014 page34)