Navy training mission

Updated: 2014-03-02 07:49

By Zhao Lei(China Daily)

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Combat ships wrap up a month-long patrol-training exercises, Zhao Lei reports.

The People's Liberation Army navy tested its combat capabilities on the open seas as well as its effectiveness in protecting China's interests through a recent long-distance training mission, according to a senior navy commander.

"This training mission enabled us to enrich our experience in defending against enemy aircraft, missiles and submarines, which have been significant challenges for us," says Lieutenant Admiral Jiang Weilie, commander of the PLA navy's South Sea Fleet.

Jiang made the remarks as a group of combat ships from his fleet wrapped up a month-long patrol-training mission. The amphibious landing craft Changbaishan, and missile destroyers Haikou and Wuhan performed training operations, including supportive engagement, which means assisting other ships that are exchanging fire with hostile forces, and commanding tactics around waters in the South China Sea, Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. This is the first long-distance voyage of the Chinese navy in 2014, Jiang says, noting captains of the warships taking part in the operation were subjected to a host of rigorous tests to examine whether they are capable of performing the demanding duties of a captain.

"Such long-distance training operations have become a regular thing for our navy," Jiang says.

 Navy training mission

Combat ships from the PLA navy's South Sea Fleet conduct a patrol-training mission in the South China Sea. Gan Jun / for China Daily

 Navy training mission

A PLA navy soldier guards the Chinese national flag on a reef in the Nansha Islands. Gao Yi / for China Daily

 Navy training mission

Helicopters aboard the amphibious landing craft Changbaishan take part in search-and-rescue training. Gan Jun / for China Daily

 Navy training mission

The main gun on the Changbaishan fires during a shooting exercise. Gao Yi / for China Daily

 Navy training mission

Marines who participate in the month-long mission perform a drill on emergency response tactics. Gan Jun / for China Daily

(China Daily 03/02/2014 page6)