Out and About

Updated: 2013-11-24 07:45

(China Daily)

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Beijing Newcomer's medical Q&A

The International Newcomer's Network is hosting its monthly meeting with a program on how to keep healthy in Beijing and where to get the best treatments. Booking in advance is not necessary. INN meets on the last Monday of each month to provide an opportunity for foreigners to obtain information about living in Beijing and to meet new friends. Topics and speakers change. However, information about schools, medical facilities, culture clubs and charitable organizations is available at every meeting. The fee for attending is 50 yuan ($8), which includes coffee, tea and pastries. The event is open to all foreign passport holders living in Beijing.

10 am-noon, Monday, Nov 25. Capital Mansion Athletic Club, 6 Xinyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang district. 010-84862225 Ext 136.

Headhunters' networking

FC Club (Beijing) Career Development HR, Headhunters and Professionals Networking Evening brings together business owners, leaders, recruiters, professionals and job-seeking expats. These monthly meetings offer a chance to make new connections, meet new friends and to become visible to recruiters in a non-compromising environment. All industries are welcome. Early registration is 100 yuan; walk-ins pay 150 yuan; admission includes one complimentary drink, finger food and entry in a lucky draw. Register online at fcclub.com.

7:30-10:30 pm, Nov 27. Gallery Hotel , 50 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang district. 010-6551-5555.

Reveling with travelers

Beijing's Couchsurfing community gathers every Wednesday for drinks, food, discussions and fun. It's never the same crowd twice, with members who act as hosts in Beijing mixing with visitors from all over the world who may be passing through. Couchsurfing is a service that connects members to a global community of travelers, who use Couchsurfing to find a place to stay or to share their home and hometown with travelers. For other events, log on at couchsurfing.org.

8-11 pm every Wednesday. The Local, Courtyard 4 (opposite the west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu,

Chaoyang district. 010-6591-9525.

Out and About

Grab some bling

InterNations Beijing hosts its Glamorous Night in Beijing at Catherine de France, "a jewel box devoted to celebrate beauty". Dress to impress for this evening of free-flowing drinks, canapes, live music, socializing with old and new friends - and come away with a high-end hairstyle. Albatross members 100 yuan; basic members pay 150 yuan and nonmembers pay 200 yuan. Register at internationsbeijing@gmail.com or on internations.org/events.

6-10 pm, Nov 27. Catherine de France salon, East Avenue Building, Ground Floor, 10 Xindong Lu, Chaoyang district.135-2147-3492.


Rugby for expats

Guangzhou Rams Rugby Club, which was established in 1997 by three Australian expats, is inviting rugby fans in the city nicknamed "city of rams" and local residents to join the club's training sessions twice a week. Expatriates and locals are welcome. Beginners are recommended to try touch rugby on Wednesdays, which involves less intensive physical contact, while the old hands can sweat their workplace fatigue out in the contact rugby games on Sundays. The club's rugby team also travels across China to play matches with teams in other cities about once a month. Newcomers can join the training sessions free of charge for the first time, but they will be charged 60 yuan each time from then on.

7 pm-9 pm, Nov 27. Football field at the east gate of Tianhe Sports Center, exit C of Tianhe Sports Center station of Subway Line 1. 159-1880-8273.


Xmas bazaar offers family fun

The YCIS Parents Organization PUXI is putting on its annual Christmas Bazaar in Shanghai on Saturday to mark the start of the holiday season. This is a family event that gives participants the opportunity to browse among more than 80 leading vendors as well as engage in some Christmas caroling. There is a special kids' zone to entertain the children while parents feast on festive food and drinks.

Nov 30. YCIS, 18 Ronghua Xilu, Gubei New Area. 021-6219-5910 Ext 222.

Female diplomats share tips

As women fill more prominent leadership roles and the likes of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg serve as role models to a generation, this roundtable event of senior female diplomats may shed some light on how women can climb the corporate or diplomatic ladders and gain influence in traditionally male-dominated fields. It is being organized by the Expatriate Professional Women's Society and AmCham Shanghais Women's Executive Network under the banner "Global Influencers". The diplomats hail from countries as far apart as the United States, Brazil, Sweden and Turkey. Tickets cost 280 yuan for nonmembers or 180 yuan for members. Those who do not RSVP by Monday will be charged an additional walk-in fee of 50 yuan.

6:30-8:30 pm, Nov 27. Le Royal Meridien Shanghai, 789 Nanjing Donglu, People's Square.

If you would like to suggest events for Out and About, please e-mail to sundayed@chinadaily.com.cn.

China Daily

(China Daily 11/24/2013 page5)