Sports / Olympic Games

IOC decision on Russia slammed by Australian athletes, supported by Olympic officials

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-07-26 11:20

"All we can say to our own athletes is, in the nicest possible sense, to wipe Russia from their minds and focus on their own performance," Chiller told News Limited.

"The decision has been made now. We need to trust the process and the criteria that have been put in place."

Walker Jared Tallent, who has been impacted more by Russian doping than any other Australian athlete, took a contrary view to Australia's most senior Olympic officials, labeling the IOC decision as "gutless".

The Melbourne-based Tallent was awarded a retrospective gold medal in June for the 50 kilometer walk at the 2012 London Olympics after the winner on the day, Russia's Sergey Kirdyapin, was stripped of the medal because of failed drug tests.

"I thought it was gutless," Tallent said on Tuesday amidst preparations for the Rio Olympics.

"Passing the decision off on the individual sporting federations was extremely disappointing. It was a golden opportunity lost to stand up and make a stand for clean sport and the integrity of the Olympic Games."

"The evidence is there. You cannot guarantee that any Russian athlete that competes in Rio will be clean even if they have been tested internationally. I will be watching the opening ceremony from Florida and I will be shaking my head when I see the Russian team walk into the stadium."

The governing bodies of both swimming and rowing took action on Tuesday to ban 10 ten Russian athletes from competing in their respective sports at Rio.

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