Quotes from LOCOG officials

Updated: 2011-07-28 13:48


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1, Janet Coyle, associate director 2012, Foreign Direct Investment Business of London & Partners

Quotes from LOCOG officials
Janet Coyle, associate director 2012, Foreign Direct Investment Business of London & Partners 

We feel that China is an extremely important market for us, and we first set out to attract Chinese companies to London 2012 games back in 2008 when China hosted the games.

So we went out to China, we did a number of events during the Beijing games, and went on a road show right across China, taking into 14 cities. To really spread the message about the vast array of opportunity there are here in London around the 2012 games. And that generated about 95 Chinese companies that were generic interested in starting a base here.

The following year we’ve bought 45 Chinese companies here to London, to actually to show them for themselves and to actually network them into business communities here.

Following that that we’ve worked closely with a number of companies, some of which has been very successful in winning contracts around 2012, really taking advantages of some of the broader opportunities and using London as a base to actually access the rest of Europe.

2, Ruth Mackenzie, director of Cultural Olympiad, LOCOG

The London 2012 Festival will bring the biggest artists from around the world to the UK for a 12-week, UK-wide festival to celebrate the culmination of the Cultural Olympiad.

Quotes from LOCOG officials
Ruth Mackenzie, director of Cultural Olympiad, LOCOG 

Seven million free opportunities to participate all around the UK, of which comes in various forms, including concerts with 100,000 tickets.

“Once in a lifetime cultural event” will let the rest of the UK to experience some “magic Olympic dust.”

Culture and sports are all ideas from the original Olympics. Investment in culture and arts for Olympics is “Probably the largest in the world”

Make Olympics more than a big show to the world, but to bring cultural impact as well.

3, Mark Evers, director of Games Transport at Travel for London

Quotes from LOCOG officials
Mark Evers, director of Games Transport at Travel for London 

London 2012 Olympics will be “challenging for transport” because of the scale involved.

We're very confident that the transport will be off the front pages of newspapers during the Games.

We have put in the plans and the infrastructure to make sure that we can make it work.

We will ask Londoners to change their way to go to move around the city. For example, work earlier or later, travel by bus instead of underground, walk and work from home.

Some tube lines will extend their operation hours later for about an hour.

4, Martine Ainsworth-Wells, marketing and communications director of London & Partners

Quotes from LOCOG officials
Ruth Mackenzie, director of Cultural Olympiad, LOCOG 

London & Partners has created 5,000 jobs as a result of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

London has surpassed previous host cities, with Sydney creating 1,150 jobs and Vancouver totaling 2,500 – both including Games time activity.

Job creation has resulted from 113 different companies setting up or expanding their presence in London between October 2007 and June, 2011.