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Ghana mulls new sports law for IOC's ban lifting

Updated: 2011-06-29 17:38
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ACCRA - Ghana's parliament is expected to adopt a new sports legislation to pave way for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to lift the ban on Ghana.

The latest law, which is likely to be approved by July 6, is among progress made so far towards amending the country's sports legislation, said Michael Akwasi Sarpong, spokesperson for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, disclosed on Tuesday.  

"We will make sure that we comply with the IOC directive of having in place the new sports legislation by the stipulated date to ensure the lifting of the ban," he said.    

"It is however incumbent on the IOC to satisfy itself whether we have fully complied with its instructions and also made the appropriate announcement," Sarpong added.    

The IOC Executive Board, in January 2011, reached a decision to suspend Ghana due to perceived political interference in the affairs of the local body-the National Olympic Committee (NOC).  

The IOC had condemned the government of Ghana and the sports authorities for the obvious lack of cooperation with NOC in order to take all necessary actions to revise the country's sports legislation before the end of last year to enable the NOC operate with full autonomy and in accordance with the Olympic Charter.  

The executive body said it took the decision to ban Ghana "in order to protect the Olympic movement in Ghana pursuant to the applicable rules of the Olympic Charter, in particular rule 28.9, and with all consequences provided for in the Olympic Charter."  

However, in a communique issued after a meeting on June 24, 2011 in Lausanne, Switzerland between the IOC, NOC and a government delegation, the IOC said it had recognized the progress made and assured that its executive Board would consider the lifting of the ban subsequent to the passage of the new sports law.

A statement released here on Tuesday and signed by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Clement Humado, said it was agreed at the June 24 meeting also attended by a GOC team led by the IOC recognized president, Benson Tongo Baba that the GOC would immediately initiate various preparatory processes culminating in the holding of the elections as soon as possible after the ban is lifted.        

The statement further said: "Once the suspension of the GOC was lifted, the GOC shall immediately take all necessary steps to convene its elective General Assembly as soon as possible."      

It said the IOC would supervise the process subject to all parties agreeing to "work together in a constructive manner in order to benefit sports and athletes of Ghana."
