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Asian Games torch shines on Haiyang

By Cui Xiaoqing (China Daily Shandong Bureau)
Updated: 2010-10-16 10:24
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The 16th Asian Games torch relay continued to Haiyang on October 15 where the 3rd Asian Beach Games will be held in 2012.

"It is due to the 2012 Asian Beach Games that Haiyang becomes the only city in Shandong province where the Asian Games torch travels," said Gao Jingtao, the vice major of Haiyang.

Altogether 16 torchbearers selected from different walks of life participated in the relay. Xing Aowei, an Olympic gymnastics champion run the first leg and the 81-year-old famous Chinese composer, Lv Yuan, also returned to his hometown Haiyang to run the second leg.

On the opening ceremony, Huang Sheng, vice governor of Shandong province declared the start of the torch relay.

The torchbearers carried the symbol of the games from Phoenix Square to the international sand sculpture park along the seaside street, the main area of the Asian Beach Games. The route is 2012 meters long, which organizers hope will mean the 2012 Beach Games will be held successfully.

The torch relay was also joined by hundreds of Haiyang people who joined in the splendid performance of Haiyang yangge (a popular rural folk dance), mantis boxing, as well as shadowboxing.