Sports/Olympics / BOCOG News

Beijing spokesmen attend workshop on Olympics
Updated: 2006-06-22 10:35

Mr. Livadas presents PPT to listeners.[BOCOG]

Over 120 spokesmen for different levels of the Beijing Municipal Government and various departments of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) attended a workshop at the Beijing Olympic Press Center on Tuesday to boost their proficiency.

Guest speaker at the workshop was general secretary at Greece's Ministry of State and government spokesman Panos Livadas who dealt with the news release, media operations rules and risk management during the Olympic Games.

Assuming office in March 2004, Mr. Livadas was in charge of a risk management group and handled matters related to the non-accredited journalists during the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. He has accumulated plenty of experience in the area.

Following his address, attendees poured such questions as how a spokesperson should execute his or her duty during the Olympic Games, how to answer questions from the press covering the Games and how the media operate. They saw Livadas' experience useful.

The workshop was co-organized by BOCOG Media and Communications Department and the Information office of the Beijing Municipal Government.