Sports/Olympics / 2008 BEIJING OLYMPICS

China gets tennis officials in line for 2008
Updated: 2006-05-09 15:05

Beijing Olympic organisers have launched a search for 50 men and women who know their faults from their aces and are prepared to face the wrath of the world's best tennis players in two year's time.

While the 2008 Olympic venues take shape in the north of the city and potential medal winners toil in training camps across China, it has not been forgotten that a successful Games also needs competent officials.

More than 200 aspirant line judges took part in International Tennis Federation (ITF) seminars in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou last week -- the first stage of a process aimed at producing local officials of sufficient standard to make the right calls in the Olympic tennis tournament.

As part of the next stage, more than 20 Chinese will man the lines at the Wimbledon qualifying in June with five remaining to officiate in the grand slam event proper.