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Journey to the Silk Road - Zhejiang


Updated: 2015-07-02 09:05:46

From Shengxiadesonglu, in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province

When I was a college students, people around me appreciated my birthplace of Wenzhou. When I reply "I am from Wenzhou". People always say: wow, then you must be rich! Yeah, Wenzhou people are famous for their business talents. People here are called "Jews of the Orient", charactered more independent, self-reliant, and generally more business and family oriented. But more than that, we are young, creative, cooperative and energetic, just like this city.

It is an intelligent city. We have business geniuses who fight and share together, devoting themselves to "better city, better life". It is a young city, with people play an energetic and active role on the life stage.  Hey, boys and girls, come on! We are totally new and young. Welcome to Wenzhou!

Journey to the Silk Road - Zhejiang

This is an Event of Color Run. We gathered nearly 4000 Wenzhounese on Wanda Plaza. We were decorated with fluorescence and light sticks, and sang and danced with rock music. [Photo by Shengxiadesonglu]


Journey to the Silk Road - Zhejiang

These are the pictures of 2015 charity party in Wenzhou. We invited wenzhounese from all over the world gathered here to meet,communicate and share. And also it is also a fund-raising gala help to provide poor children with better study and living. [Photo by Shengxiadesonglu]


Journey to the Silk Road - Zhejiang

Here are some works made by Wenzhou youth. They are enthusiastic , intelligent and creative with great passion, wanting to make a diffenence in this world. [Photo by Shengxiadesonglu]


Journey to the Silk Road - Zhejiang


Journey to the Silk Road - Zhejiang

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