Twilight, the first installment of the Twilight Saga finally made its way to Shanghai on Wednesday, the same week that part two, New Moon, is playing at theaters in the United States.
Despite the long wait, local critics expect it will still win over Chinese audiences with its cast of pretty boys, vegetarian blood-suckers and its theme of forbidden love.
Edward Cullen, the mystical hero of this teenage vampire series by Stephanie Meyer, is played by British actor Robert Pattinson. He is unlike Hollywood vampires of old; in fact, he's from a different crypt altogether. He is tall and blonde, and serves tirelessly to protect his chick (high school student Bella). The two find each other dangerously irresistible, even though they realize their love can never be. Cullen's moral preference for animal rather than human blood does not make life much easier for them.
Legions of Chinese women became obsessed with the handsome, cool vampire when the series launched last year. Pattinson, 23, has been flying high ever since he appeared in the last Harry Potter movie, while lead actress Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella, has also become quite a sensation.
Rihanna and her father both spoke to the press about their most recent estrangement.