A national survey on China's aging population, the largest such effort of its kind, will start on Saturday, authorities announced on Tuesday.
Chinese President Xi Jinping's wife Peng Liyuan, who is also the WHO's goodwill ambassador for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, said she would join the nation's battle against HIV/AIDS, striving for a "zero AIDS" China.
Medical insurance to cover expenses for critical illnesses will see its realm expanded to the whole country “before the end of this year” to help financially challenged residents, a State Council executive meeting said recently.
China’s migrant population at 310 million, by 2030, compared to 254 million, in 2014, and its level of urbanization at 70 percent, with about 230 million people move to cities from villages.
Minister of the NHFPC, Li Bin, says that Hebei province needs make better use of its location and other advantages and at the same time introduce Beijing’s medical resources to Hebei for better healthcare services.
Less than 20 percent of nursing homes in China's major cities are profitable, and homes for middle-income seniors fall far short of what is needed.
The 26th World Population Day fell on July 11, 2015. To promote the special day the NHFPC and Hubei provincial people’s government jointly held an exhibition in Wuhan.
The second session of the health ministers’ meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Moscow, Russia on July 7. With the theme “safeguard residents’ health”, attendees discussed on medical and healthcare reform, basic drugs and cracking down on fake drugs.
Link: China's Central Government / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China
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