Time: 2014-04-20 19:30 ADD: Tianjin Concerthall Price: ¥180 ¥120 ¥80 ¥50
This year, World Cancer Day falls on February the 4th. And the focus this time round will be on Target 5 of the World Cancer Declaration: Dispel damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer, under the tagline "Debunk the myths".
For the China watcher in us all; the newest analysis of demography and the effects of the maturing crop of One Child Policy Chinese will either mean a boom or boon for the Chinese economy.
No one understood my determination to procure a Flying Pigeon bicycle, and in particular … yup, you've got it: the roadster, old-school-style.
The proud owner of a Salsa dance studio, she has been dancing the Salsa for about 8 years. Dancing is not an alternative to the gym, she states, but a lifestyle choice to benefit one's entire well-being.
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