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Cutting-edge robots impress at expo

Updated : 2018-08-17
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Cutting-edge robots impress at expo

Visitors photograph a fox-shaped drone at the 2018 World Robot Conference (WRC 2018), Aug 15. The event, running until Aug 19, is themed around “Creating Intelligent Momentum for a New Era of Openness and Shared Benefits” and consists of four major sections: forums, expositions, competitions, and control systems. [Photo/Xinhua]

Cutting-edge robots impress at expo

A robot competes in a badminton game at WRC 2018, Aug 15. WRC 2018 has invited world-renowned robotics experts to give talks and take part in debates at the event. Also in attendance are representatives from robotics firms, universities and institutes ––all showcasing their latest achievements and applications. [Photo/Xinhua]

Cutting-edge robots impress at expo

A visitor examines a display of robots designed for the education sector, Aug 15. [Photo/Xinhua]

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