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E-town’s GDP exceeds 100 billion yuan

Updated : 2016-02-22

The E-town government recently published an economic performance analysis of the twelfth five-year plan. The GDP of E-town exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time in 2015, reaching a total of 108.14 billion yuan, 2 percent higher than the average level in Beijing.

E-town’s GDP growth rate was also above the city’s average level during each year of the twelfth five-year plan, except for 2012.

During the twelfth five-year plan, E-town’s annual public financial budget revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan; 13.49 billion was received in 2015. The average annual growth rate was 17.2 percent.

At the same time, public financing is contributing more towards economic growth in E-town. Public spending in 2015 was 14.54 billion yuan, 3.4 times of that in 2010, with an annual growth rate of 27.5 percent. Its percentage of GDP rose from 6.2 percent in 2010 to 37.2 percent in 2014.

High-tech and modern manufacturing were the major driving force of industrial development. From 2011 to 2015, high-tech industry accounted for over 90 percent of the total GDP.

The modern service industry is showing good momentum. Information services, technology services, and financial services are increasing their share of GDP.

The cultural industry has become a pillar industry in E-town, with revenue of over 70 billion yuan from January to November in 2015.

Fixed-asset investments saw rapid growth. About 282.4 billion yuan was invested from 2011 to 2015, with an annual growth rate of 10.9 percent.

The profitability of enterprises in E-town also increased. The industrial revenue of E-town exceeded 20 billion yuan in 2015 for the first time, reaching 22.46 billion.