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Research capability


Updated: 2016-02-17

Xi'an is competitive in scientific research, housing nine national scientific research bases, 44 colleges and universities, 34 private universities and other higher education institutions, 334 doctoral programs and 826 master's programs, 60 State key disciplines and 385 provincial leading academic disciplines.

Professional personnel from various academic backgrounds working in Xi'an total 417,700, including 44 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). Equipped with world-class laboratories and domestic first-class research equipment, Xi'an has distinguished itself in fields including electronics, machinery, chemicals, aerospace and aviation.

There are hundreds and thousands of people throughout the country who have started their careers in Xi'an, the human resource outsourcing hub of Northwest China. Meanwhile, XITLP's efforts to balance urban-rural development has welcomed 56,000 rural laborers to an area of 44.6 square kilometers, most of whom will be qualified for processing operations after training. The vocational education institutions in the zone can offer vocational training for the zone's enterprises.

Provincial job fair held in Xi'an


Job applicants visit a provincial job fair at Qujiang International Conference and Exhibition Center in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province on Feb 23.

Grain-Oil Summit to further promote international cooperation


An international grain and oil summit hosted by Xi'an municipal government and China Vegetable Oil Association was held on Feb 22 and 23 for further cooperation among the countries along the regions of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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