China / Info


( Updated: 2015-10-28 10:42

National highway 108

The highway runs 21.7 kilometers from Wolonggang village (sixth ring) across Xiaoyuan, Shimenying, Shichang to Songshuling tunnel. Speed is capped at 50 kilometers per hour on the two-lane road.

Fushi road

Fushi road sits in the west of Beijing and is east-bound. It’s connected to Fucheng road, Fuwai and Funei streets, Chaoyangmennei and Chanyangmenwai streets and Chaoyang road in the east. Fushi went into operation in 1994 and runs 12.4 kilometers from Dihui Bridge in the east to Pingguoyuannan road in Shijingshan district. Fushi is an important artery to get in and out of Beijing.

The road’s first phase viaduct was put into operation in 2008 and runs from Dinghui Bridge in the east to Jinyuan Bridge in the west. There are three lanes in each direction, including one bus rapid transit lane. The viaduct is the first of its kind and cuts driving time from the fourth to fifth west rings to seven minutes.

The second phase viaduct was put in use in 2010 and runs 9.6 kilometers from Jinyuan Bridge in the east to Shuangyu road. There are three lanes in each direction, including one bus rapid transit. The new viaduct features three overpasses, one bridge and six bus stations. It cuts driving time from the fourth west ring to Shuangyu trans-island to 13 minutes. The viaduct is an important artery connecting Shijingshan, Mentougou and downtown Beijing and eases traffic congestion.

Shuangyu trans-island’s expansion project covers Shidan, Fushi and Shuayu roads. Shidan road was designed to be 447 meters long, Fushi 81 meters and Shuangyu 142 meters. Driving speed is limited at 60 kilometers per hour on Fushi and Shidan roads, and 40 at Shuangyu. Fushi is 60 meters wide, while Shidan is 49.5 meters wide in the north and 48.5 meters wide in the south.

Sixth ring road

The road began construction in December 1998 and was put into operation on Sept 12, 2009. It runs 187.6 kilometers and was built in seven phases. The road accounts for 20 percent of all highways in Beijing and is the longest of its kind in Beijing. Its mean radius is 30 kilometers. The two-way road is closed all along and features four tosix lanes. The roadbed is 26-28.5 meters wide and driving speed is limited at 80-100 kilometers per hour. The road connects to 12 highways leading to outside Beijing, as well as the national highway 101 and 103 in the capital city.

National highway 109

The highway is an important part of Beijing’s road system and an exit from western Beijing. It connects to major roads between downtown Beijing and Mentougou district. The highway runs 90.1 kilometers and is seven meters wide. It plays a positive role in economic development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area and Mentougou district.

Lianshi road’s Mentougou section

National highway 108 is Lianshi road’s Mentougou section and an extension of Lianhuachidong road in the west. It was one of 60 public welfare projects by the Beijing government in 2003. The highway runs 5.1 kilometers from Mentougou’s Shimenying trans-island to the planned sixth ring road. Its width ranges from 23 to 34.5 meters and speed is limited at 60 kilometers per hour. The main road has six lanes in two directions. Slow traffic lanes were added in the urban area. The highway won a silver prize from the Beijing Municipal Construction Committee and the Beijing Personnel Bureau in 2003.

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