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ITL office building project


Updated: 2015-10-14

The office building of the Xi’an Comprehensive Bonded Area is located to the west of the No 1 entry and exit gate in the comprehensive bond area, and opposite the Xi’an Railway Container Center Station.

Xi’an International Dry Port Bounded Logistics Construction Ltd invested in the project and was also responsible for its construction, which conforms with modern and international standards.

The building has 17 floors, each covering an area of 1,795 square meters, and it also offers professional environment and office management services for tenant companies.

It is the only office building with professional office services in the comprehensive bonded area, and it has attracted companies involved in international and domestic trade, export processing and duty-free storage, in addition to freight agencies.

It also serves as headquarters and overseas offices for international companies. The area of the office building includes the Dry Port Holiday Hotel, Dry Port Street, Dry Port Town, and facilities related to dining, entertainment, and fitness.

The first group of tenant companies has benefited from many preferential policies such as reduced rents and property service fee subsidies. Many of the world’s Top 500 companies, such as Tata Group, and other outstanding companies, including Nippon Express of Japan and Xiamen Utrans Supply Chain Management Ltd of China’s city of Xiamen, have settled in the building.

The building opened in May 2013, and companies are welcome to rent office space.

Address: 88 Gangwu Avenue, Xi’an International Trade and Logistics Park

Postal code: 710026

Telephone: 86 (29) 8334-2918

Mobile phone: 86 153-1991-7379

Fax: 86 (29) 8334-2922

Email: 22038315@qq.com

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