Xi'an kicks off ancient Roman Empire exhibition

Updated: 2013-09-03 11:46

By Lu Hongyan and Ma Lie in Xi'an (chinadaily.com.cn)

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A special exhibition of the ancient Roman Empire kicked off on Sunday in the Qinshihuang Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Museum, China Daily learned on Monday.

The exhibition will last until Nov 29 and display more than 300 pieces of rare cultural relics from several Italian national museums. The relics include ancient coins, ceramics, pottery, glass, statues, urns, carved sarcophagi, marble sculptures, small bronzeware and jewelry made in the first century BC to the middle of the third century AD. The pieces reflect the art trends and styles of the entire Roman Empire.

The historical records show that China had a relationship with the Roman Empire. Chinese silk products became a genteel luxury at that time. In 166 AD, the first group of Romans came to China. China's relations with Rome lasted for centuries thereafter.