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ChinaJoy 2013 promotes digital entertainment industry

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( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-08-08

The 11th ChinaJoy International Digital Entertainment Expo was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, Lujiazui, Pudong district, from July 25 to 28.

The expo has become a leading international digital entertainment expo after 10 years of development. It is guided by the relevant industrial authorities of the Chinese government and is designed to gradually improve the administration of the domestic digital entertainment industry. It helps actively regulate the electronic and online publications market, support legitimate businesses, and promote the production and sales of authentic digital entertainment products. It promotes the healthy and orderly development of China's digital entertainment market.

In addition, the organizing committee also hopes that the expo can assist government authorities in guiding youth to use video and online game products properly. While showcasing new products and technologies, the expo also conveys industrial policies, delivers market information, guides industrial development, and expands and strengthens cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises. It seeks to play a positive role in the healthy, orderly and rapid development of China's digital interactive entertainment industry.

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