Bureaus Exclusive

Fujian appointed 35 party committee spokespersons

By Hu Meidong and Wei Tian (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2011-01-24 18:42
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Thirty-five spokespersons from different sections of the provincial party committees, including nine cities and Pingtan comprehensive testing area, stroke their poses for the first time at the Fujian Government's press hall on Sunday.

The spokespersons publicly announced their telephone number and answered 10 questions from the central, provincial and Hong Kong Medias.

"The establishment of spokesperson system marks the advancement of Fujian’s press release work," said Tang Guozhong, head of the province’s propaganda department. "More press conferences, concerning specific issues, will be conducted by relative departments in the future."

According to Zhu Qing, chief of the external communication department, the personnel will be added or adjusted according to their performances, while selection of spokesmen at county levels is underway.

The major responsibilities of the party committees’ spokespersons are: to introduce decisions and progresses, to announce major conference, to release information concerning major issues in the departments or regions, to clarify the misunderstanding and rumors.
