
Haidian leading low-carbon efforts

By Chai Hua (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-09-15 07:56
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 Haidian leading low-carbon efforts

Ancient buildings stand in sharp contrast to skyscrapers and highrises in Zhongguancun. The area was once a vacation home for the royal family.

After it was named the core of Zhongguancun national innovation model park last year, Haidian district in Beijing has moved to improve its low carbon economy.

The district has now earmarked 50 million yuan annually for development of a regional economy that conserves energy.

Government support

Since 2007, Haidian has implemented an annual program to build an environmentally friendly district and initiated 10 key projects each year in which the government encouraged local authorities and citizens to participate.

In March 2009, Haidian began transforming its economic structure to focus on high-quality products from light industry that have low energy needs.

At the end of last year the district began a series of measures to bring low carbon concepts to communities, schools and other public offices.

In March, the Women's Federation of Haidian and the Beijing municipal government co-organized the opening ceremony for a family and fashion show that encourages households to live a low carbon life.

The following month Lin Fusheng, director of Haidian district, inspected the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP), a key enterprise administrated by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

The CECEP focuses on energy conservation, environmental protection, emission reduction, clean technologies and new energy.

Lin said the government will further strengthen cooperation with the CECEP for a "new Haidian".

In addition, the local government will hold an energy-saving competition among communities and give awards to the winners.

Financial resources

Haidian leading low-carbon efforts

Haidian district government now invests at least 50 million yuan yearly to develop its low carbon economy.

In June of 2010, the district unveiled an energy saving provision that explicitly rewards companies for emission reductions, the first of its kind in Beijing.

Since 2007, the district has lead in special funding for recycling and invests more than 10 million yuan a year in related new technology applications.

Haidian funded 115 projects from 2007 to 2009 at a cost of more than 60 million yuan for recycling, energy reduction technology and renovation of key energy consuming facilities.

By restructuring industries structure, developing energy information platforms, and monitoring consumption, the district has lowered energy use below the Beijing and national average.

In 2009, the district's energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP declined 30.9 percent from 2005.

In the same year it was named one of the first pilot districts for a recycling economy in Beijing.

(China Daily 09/15/2010)