Indonesian Paralympic Committee needs persistent friendship with China

Updated: 2008-09-16 13:50


JAKARTA -- Although three Indonesian Para-athletes failed to earn medals, their participation in Beijing would attribute to bilateral relationship and friendship between Indonesian and Chinese sports committees, particularly Paralympics said Dati Sosiawan Putra, a disabled-seeing Indonesian athlete on Tuesday.

Sosiawan, who has just returned from Beijing after representing the national paralympic committee of Indonesian (NPC) and traveling together the whole contingent of Indonesian, said he really could not imagine how the government of China has made a wonderful success of world events, Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics.  

In an interview with Xinhua, he said China not only successfully organized the world sport events, Olympic and Paralympic Games but also the boosted the country's economy.

"Wherever we went to some tourist destinations in China, I felt a kind of generous feeling of Chinese people," he said.

Sosiawan said that after the games, the whole Indonesian contingent moved around Beijing for sight-seeing. They went to a historical ancient mosque in Beijing, and also visited the Great Wall. Wherever he went, his assistant guided him due to seeing disability condition. His assistant, wearing Moslem veil led him patiently by grasping his hand.

Sosiawan is an extrovert man. He said he had suffered seeing disability since he was five years old. "I was born in 1966. I started to feel something different with my sight-seeing in 1971. Since then, I struggled to keep survive, and started to play chess-board. I guess, my achievement is not too bad, by earning silver medal in Thailand 2007. And I am looking forward to Malaysia 2009 for gold medal during the Fespic Games X," he said.

He felt the Chinese people's support for Beijing 2008 was really extraordinary, saying Chinese spectators supported not only their athletes, but also foreign paralympians with full respect and gave them warm welcome.

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