PARALYMPICS / Newsmakers

The guide to success and happiness
By Zhang Haizhou
China Daily/The Paralympian Staff Writer
Updated: 2008-09-10 10:46


Not just me! Please interview my guide as well!

That was the plea from Liu Xiangkun yesterday after the 28-year-old placed fourth in the men's 100m T11 final, a new best for China in track and field at the Paralympic Games.

Liu said his guide, 24-year-old Chen Liang, was the true hero behind his success.

Chinese Paralympic runner Liu Xiangkun and his guide, Chen Liang, compete on their way to a fourth-place finish in the men's 100m T11 final yesterday. Lucas Prado of Brazil won the gold. [Xinhua]

Majoring in sports at the prestigious Peking University, Chen began guiding Liu at the end of last year. Linked to Liu with an elastic band, Chen is responsible for preventing Liu from running into other lanes.

"He's fast, I'm fast; he slows down, I follow," was how Chen described his role.

Chen was sorely disappointed about not making the podium at their first Paralympics.

"Soon after passing the line, I told him that it was a real pity ," said Chen.

After clocking 11.57 sec, Liu was only 0.11 sec away from a medal. And he had notched 11.46 - the bronze medal performance - earlier yesterday in the semifinal.

But Liu was pleased with fourth place.

"I am really satisfied," Liu said, adding he has made remarkable progress since Chen became his guide. "My best was only around 11.80 before."

There are seven guides on the Chinese track and field team. As Liu's guide, Chen accompanies him nearly 24 hours a day. They sleep in the same room and eat together.

For Liu, having Chen around is not only a matter of convenience, but also lets him enjoy simple pleasures in life. Every time Chen plays a computer game, he describes it to Liu.

"I cannot see, but I can enjoy by visualizing it according to Chen's description."

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