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量子通讯卫星(liàngzĭ tōngxùn wèixīng):Quantum communication satellite

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-08-16 07:35

The media have reported that China is about to launch the world's first quantum communication satellite.

Based on the quantum phenomenon that a tiny particle acts as if it's simultaneously in two locations, quantum computing could dwarf the processing power of today's supercomputers.

In normal silicon computer chips, data is rendered in one of two states: 0 or 1. But in quantum computers, data could exist in both states simultaneously, holding exponentially more information.

If the satellite works well, it will pave the way to a hack-proof communication system.

Quantum key technology boasts ultra-high security as a photo can be neither separated nor duplicated, so it is impossible to intercept the information being transmitted.

Moreover, it has the ability to inform the two communicating users of the presence of any third party trying to eavesdrop. At the same time, the information being intercepted would "collapse" or self-destruct.

In addition, China will complete and put into operation the world's first secure quantum communication backbone network, the Beijing-Shanghai backbone network, later this year, according to Pan Jianwei, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief scientist of quantum communication satellite project.

According to Pan, the 2,000-kilometer backbone network will be used in the fields of finance, electronics and government affairs. And the satellite and the ground-based network will ensure the secure passage of information.

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