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整治网络虚假新闻(zhěngzhì wǎngluò xūjiǎ xīnwén): Crack down on online fake news

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-07-05 07:49

The Cyberspace Administration of China is further cracking down on people who spread fake news via the internet.

Since the beginning of this year, the CAC has strengthened its supervision and management of the internet and seriously dealt with a number of information providers that produced or spread fake news online.

According to the latest instruction from the administration, websites should stick to correct orientation of public opinion and take effective measures to guarantee that their news reports are authentic, comprehensive and fair. Unconfirmed content posted on social networking sites is prohibited from being directly quoted in news reports.

The instruction requires news on all kinds of digital platforms including micro blogs and instant messaging services to be verified, and the service providers to improve their internal management and supervision.

The fabricating of news stories and news stories based on speculation are strictly prohibited and those who produce such stories will be punished according to the law.

Cyber administrations at all levels should be responsible for the management of internet content and enhance their inspection and supervision and seriously deal with any fake news that appears on the internet.

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