Opinion / Hot Words

最大同心圆 (zuida tongxinyuan): largest concentric circles

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-02-02 08:38

On Friday, President Xi Jinping attended a meeting to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year with people from non-communist parties. At the meeting, he pointed out that China should stick to the principle of correctly handling the relationship between unity and multiplicity, which focuses on forming the greatest common denominator and the largest concentric circles.

When it comes to drawing the biggest concentric circles, Xi pointed out that the country should use the democratic form and institutional channel of party negotiations to reach consensus through negotiation.

Consensus is the precondition for actions and the basis of unity. Without consensus it will be impossible to achieve the biggest concentric circle and thus difficult to realize the Chinese Dream.

He said efforts should be made to reach a consensus on taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, achieving the Chinese Dream and serving the strategic deployment of the "Four Comprehensives".

All parties should participate in discussions on State affairs and administration, and help non-communist talents form think tanks to provide suggestions for social construction and development.

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