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农业供给侧结构性改革 (nongye gongjice jiegouxing gaige): Agricultural supply-side structural reform

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-02-01 08:00

Agricultural supply-side structural reform is the main theme of the No 1 central government document this year. The document stresses promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform centered on market demand, and aims to optimize the distribution of agricultural resources, expand the effective supply of agricultural products, and enhance the adaptability and flexibility of the supply system for agricultural products.

According to the document, the relevant authorities should optimize the structure of agricultural production and regional distribution, coordinate the development of food, cash crops and fodder, and provide diversified agricultural products to consumers.

The authorities should also promote integrated development of agricultural production, processing and distribution, as well as agricultural tourism, and new industries in rural areas.

Nevertheless, promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform doesn't mean crops are losing their significance in agriculture. China will further enhance and improve its food production capacity. Agricultural production should respect the law of the market and comply with changes in supply and demand. The crop planting structure should be adjusted accordingly.

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