Opinion / Hot Words

补短板 (bǔ duǎnbǎn): Make up for deficiencies

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-12-28 08:21

At the recently concluded Central Economic Work Conference, reforms to make up for deficiencies in the economic structure was judged the key to increasing the effectiveness of investment, accelerating the cultivation of new development engines and eventually improving China's overall development level.

According to the Cannikin Law, the capacity of a wooden bucket is determined by the shortest stave, that is to say the chain is only as strong as the weakest link. Therefore, addressing deficiencies is of great significance to accomplishing the final goal.

To make up for the deficiencies in the economic structure reform should focus on supporting poverty alleviation, promoting the technological upgrading of industries and enterprises, cultivating new industries, improving weak points in infrastructure, and further investing in agricultural production.

Poverty alleviation is an important part of making up for deficiencies because the impoverished population is a problem that China has to deal with properly in the next stage of development. It is not only the most difficult task of comprehensively building a well-off society, but also related to social fairness and harmony. During the 13th Five Year Plan (2016-20) the authorities plan to lift 70 million residents out of poverty through measures such as financial support for businesses and relocation.

(China Daily 12/28/2015 page8)

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