Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Asia, Europe must work for greater goals

By Federica Mogherini (China Daily) Updated: 2015-11-05 08:21

In mid-October the EU signed as an international witness the nationwide ceasefire agreement in Myanmar. We consistently supported this agreement - politically and financially - responding to a wish by all parties for us to be involved. This has paid off. We also remain involved in supporting a comprehensive peace deal in the Philippines.

There is much more we can do together, in the Far East as well as at the crossroad between our regions. Think of Afghanistan. After many years of conflict, the country needs a new covenant inside its society, a new covenant among all regional powers, and a new covenant between Kabul and the whole international community. The EU will co-host an international conference on Afghanistan in Brussels next year. It can be the place where this threefold new covenant sees the light.

The deal we reached this summer on Iran's nuclear programme shows the way: when global powers from all continents cooperate - Europe, Russia, China and the US - the chances of success escalate.

This is why the potential of ASEM is so high. At our meeting in Luxembourg, on Nov 5-6, 51 countries and two regional organizations will be represented, accounting for 60 percent of the world's population, trade and economic output. This includes 12 G20 members and half of the current UN Security Council.

The "retreat session" between ministers will create the perfect setting to compare notes on all the issues of common concern. Our shared peace and prosperity very much depends on cooperation between Europe and Asia. Let us make the Luxembourg meeting a cornerstone toward a stronger partnership.

The author is the European Union's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, and chairs the 12th Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

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