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10 tips for newcomers to China

By kellivschina ( Updated: 2015-06-03 14:39

7. Get ready to get pushed around.

It’s no secret that China has a lot of people. Whenever you’re in a public place, especially if it’s during a holiday (which, by the way, happens frequently. I swear we have a holiday here every other week), know that it will be crowded. You might get shoved around a little (or a lot). Oh, and even if you’ve gotten a spot in line, don’t be surprised if people cut in front of you or completely ignore the idea of a line altogether.

8. Don’t take it personally.

Lots of Westerners (me included) are shocked when they get an elbow in their face without an apology or see toddlers pointing at them and yelling “waiguoren (”foreigner!”). It can also be very uncomfortable when a Chinese person you hardly know starts asking you personal questions, such as how much money you make or if you’re married (not to mention the very direct comments about your appearance). The Chinese people are not trying to be rude. Apparently these things are acceptable in their culture. So don’t take it personally. Just smile, take it in stride, and make a note of it in your “Funny things that happened to me in China” journal.

9. Don't be afraid to smile and make a new friend.

Although some of their actions may surprise you or even seem offensive, Chinese people as a whole are actually very friendly. Every time I smile at someone, I am greeted in return by a delighted grin. Many of the people I meet love an opportunity to practice speaking English with me, and they are especially excited when I attempt (futilely) to speak with them in their own language. After only a brief interaction, they may ask for your phone number or your QQ or WeChat ID. I would probably feel uncomfortable if someone in America did that, but here it’s just another one of those Chinese things. Don’t feel obligated to give out your information, but I’ve found it’s sometimes handy to have a few Chinese friends on WeChat.

10. Go with the flow!

I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned since coming to China is to “just go with it.” Unexpected things happen all the time. I’ve had an older couple sit down at my table in a restaurant even though I’m surrounded by empty tables, little girls snuggle up next to me while I’m outside reading, and more wild adventures than you could imagine when it comes to travelling in China. You might end up in a tuk-tuk weaving in and out of traffic as you cross your fingers and silently pray that you’ll make it to the train station on time. After that, you may find yourself piling into a “private taxi” at 1 AM because the train station is closed. Or you might find yourself invited to dinner with a new friend you’ve literally only met 10 minutes ago on the subway. Whatever happens, be open to these wild new experiences. After all, there really are things that only ever happen in China…and those are the ones that make the best stories.

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