Opinion / Hot Words

海外利益攸关区(haiwai liyi youguanqu): Areas crucially related to China's overseas interests

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-05-28 07:49

On Tuesday China issued a defense white paper, China's Military Strategy, in which the concept of "areas crucially related to China's overseas interests" was raised for the first time.

Traditionally, problems concerning such areas have been dealt with through diplomatic channels. But as the problems have become increasingly complicated in recent years, diplomatic means have been unable to effectively solve these problems. It is of great significance to strengthen strategic awareness of these areas that are crucially related to China's overseas interests from the overall perspective of national security.

China has increasing overseas interests. As the biggest energy importer, the largest trade exporter and international tourist providing country in the world, China's national security is not limited to homeland security, it has also spread elsewhere. It has to be concerned with the security of its energy, food, overseas investment, trade channels and its nationals. The white paper has pointed out the country will strengthen international security cooperation in areas crucially related to China's overseas interests to safeguard them.

(China Daily 05/28/2015 page8)

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