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两洋铁路 (liangyang tielu): Railroad linking Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-05-18 07:46

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Premier Li Keqiang is paying his first visit to Latin America after assuming office. During his visit, Li will sign several cooperation agreements with Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile - the countries on his itinerary - and launch the feasibility study on a China-Brazil-Peru railroad project linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

The construction of the railway linking the Atlantic and the Pacific was proposed by President Xi Jinping during his visit to Latin America in July last year. China has a positive attitude toward this win-win project. It is an important cooperation project between China on one hand and Brazil and Peru on the other, which will not only boost economic development in Latin America, but also deepen multilateral cooperation.

China has an ever-developing trade connection with Latin America. It is already the major export destination for many Latin American products. And the construction of the railway network is crucial to the economic development of Latin American countries as well as the trade between Latin America and China.

Also, China's railway construction equipment and technology, which occupy a leading place in the world, will be conducive to infrastructure construction in Latin American countries. In this sense, the feasibility study is expected to facilitate the construction of this railroad project.

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