Opinion / Hot Words

生命共同体(shengming gongtongti): Community of shared life

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-05-11 08:16

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have jointly issued a document to promote ecological conservation. This is not only a necessity to protect the environment and promote social harmony, it is also necessary for realizing the Chinese dream and maintaining global ecological security.

As early as the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2013, the top leader Xi Jinping pointed out that we should realize that the country's mountains, rivers, forests, land and lakes form a community of shared life.

We should regard the Earth as a community of shared life that encompasses all living things and do our upmost to protect the environment and conserve the planet's ecosystem. Human beings and all other creatures are closely connected in a community of shared life, any short-sighted development at the cost of the environment will mean paying a heavy price.

Supervision and accountability mechanisms are the keys to safeguarding our mountains, rivers, forests, land and lakes and the life they support. And everyone should join in to build an environmentally friendly society.

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